2013 in review

I can’t believe I am starting my 5th year writing Treating Trauma! I surely have not been blogging as frequently this past year and I continue to miss that, and my interactions with all of you!

I must admit, I do enjoy all the year in review and best of 2013 lists this time of year. WordPress provides bloggers with their own version. I thought I’d share some of it with my readers.

Attractions in 2013

Wow! This blog was viewed about 130,000 times in 2013. I am so glad to be part of this important conversation about trauma and healing. As you can see, some of my most popular posts were written well before 2013. This highlights how much we need access to information about complex trauma, dissociation, and that healing is possible! I feel inspired to contribute more, new content for 2014.

These are the posts that got the most views in 2013.

One of my most popular recent posts was How to Avoid an Abuser: Understanding Grooming. I was honored that one of my favorite bloggers, Captain Awkward, helped folks find this post.

How did they find you?

I find it fascinating that such varied sites refer to my blog. I also learn a lot from the search terms that lead you here. For 2013, the most common search terms leading to Treating Trauma were complex ptsd, questions, ptsd, complex ptsd treatment, and emdr. This helps me know what you want to know!

As do your comments. The most commented on post in 2013 was Reader Question: Treating Emotional Numbness. What could be better than a reader-inspired blog post? It seems you all agree! For 2014, I welcome more questions and suggested topics. What do you want to know about trauma and healing?

Who knows what 2014 will bring? May we meet it with acceptance and make of it what we need! I feel great appreciation for all of you who have connected with me here and look forward to what the new year will bring.

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6 Responses to 2013 in review

  1. Mandy says:

    What a great blog–I’m glad I discovered it, it looks like there is a lot of useful information here 🙂


  2. invisible_em says:

    I’ve just stumbled across your blog and read all your articles linked above, and I’ve got to tell you, I do feel a little bit of hope. There aren’t that many fully qualified professionals who even acknowledge this as a problem half the time – you either get under-qualified people with no idea of psychology,or you get people who want to diagnose you with everything in the dsm (because cptsd involves a bit of everything else). So thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. I eagerly await more posts from you Xxx


  3. Hopefully you will continue to blog. I have links on my site to your words because you say it well. Best of luck and have a great new year


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